So this painting is based off of a quote that I found that states "When will our conscious grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?" I was required to make this painting "messy" so I decided to use a lot of different techniques to create this piece. I cut and glued pictures to the ground to help lay a foundation. I decided to give the dirt and grass a texture to it, so I used cold wax as a medium. I wanted to make the dirt dark and messy to represent the "human misery" and the grenades represent the violence of "human misery" but also represent the bulbs of the flowers that are growing. The flowers are representing humans "preventing" the "human misery" symbolizing peace. To include the quote in the piece, I chose to scratch it in with a screw. The large image catches the viewers attention, but I put the quote on small so it would draw the viewer in to look closely at the detail.

In kurulus osman season 3 in hindi Turgut realizes that the only solution is to run away and runs away with Kosses. Nikola begins to follow them into the forest. Turgut asks Kosses to return to his castle and bring soldiers to save kurulus osman season 3 in hindi. After a long war, the Mongols capture Osman. Nikola captures Turgut, but Kosses and his soldiers rescue him. Geyhatu says Osman will die soon and takes him away. Bala and Malhun ask the Beys for support to kurulus osman season 3 in hindi.
ReplyDeleteGeyhatu says the horses will run over the Turks. Osman says he is not afraid of death and waits for Geyhatu’s arrival. Alemshah realizes that Osman’s wives are trying to do something secretly and asks Gunduz to do something about it urgently. Gunduz agrees to banish Bala and Malhun from the tribe. Kosses attacks the Mongols with thenew soldiers he brought from the castle. Turgut uses this opportunity and saves Osman’s life kurulus osman season 3 in hindi.
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