Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Unsuccessful Websites.....

Soooo....it was interesting to look for unsuccessful websites.  Some of the ones that I found to be pretty bad are....

MYSPACE!!! I absolutely hate myspace!  It used to be pretty cool when it was simple.  Now they have added every little application that they possibly could think of.  It is so overwhelming, and I do not like to use it anymore.  It also annoys me that there is so much stuff that people can add to their pages to make them look so cluttered!! The site is not very easy to use either when it should be.  For example....if I want to find a friend, I can't just type in their name like I can on Facebook.  Their "username," or how they have it listed on their page has to be typed in or their email....I usually do not know that stuff!! So it makes it impossible to find.

Wikipedia is another site that I just do not understand.  It is supposed to me an online encyclopedia, but I don't understand why it allows users to add or make changes to the information.  It is nice, however, that this site is offered in so many languages, but that is pretty much (in my opinion) they only good thing about it.  There is so much going on on this site....and its stuff that I really don't care to know about.  The site is also kind of confusing and frustrating to use.  I just don't like this site.

So I know I wasn't supposed to but I googled "badly designed websites."  After looking around for a bit, I found Tyra Banks' website.  This site drives me nuts with all of the flashy animation mess!  Everywhere you click there is something going on.  I don't enjoy so much motion picture stuff on one page....especially if I don't want to watch it to start with! 

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